
Friday, January 30, 2009

gaza: nature of war

"We in Gaza are 1.5 million people in need of immediate psychotherapy. But the children especially. They have experienced severe trauma. They should cry. They should shout. But the way they are talking about this tragedy, it's not normal."

-Issam Younis, director general of the al-Mezan Center for Human Rights in Gaza. At least 280 children were among the 1,300 Palestinians killed in Gaza. Thirteen Israelis died in the war, including three civilians. (Source: The Washington Post)


Anonymous said...

Newsflash: "Palestinian" leaders send rockets and suicide bombers into Israel with the intent of killing civilians; Israel tries to defend itself, going out of its way to try to avoid killing civilians. And yet much of the world blames Israel!

Are you aware of the anti-Semitic incidents that are cropping up in Britain, Spain, and elsewhere in Europe? Have you already forgotten the Holocaust? Maybe you should stop your juvenile self-righteousness about "social justice" (which has everything to do with Marx and nothing to do with Jesus) and your juvenile support for terrorists and blowhard pacifist bigots like Wendell Berry and start caring about the victims in this world.

This blog really is one of the most obscene sites on the net!

andrew mook said...


you have posted a number of very reactionary, misinformed (as to my intentions) responses to my posted quotes, or reports.

when you are willing to take the whole anon mask thing off and engage in thoughtful dialogue i'm all in. in the mean time...

- "social justice" amoongst other things has everything to do with jesus, amos, isaiah and the rest of the bible - we may need to define some terms here...

- the quote about gaza in no way insinuates that i disagree with anything you posted about the relationship between israel and palestine - ITS A QUOTE. That said, christians to often have this warped, blind, zionist-ish thought that the secular state of isreal is forever blameless and should always be supported at all costs... my hope in posting a pretty innocent quote was to get people thinking.

so much more to say - my email is

grace and peace to you.

Anonymous said...

It really is stunning how arrogant anti-intellectual twenty-something losers can be about their own intellect. Oh yes, and maybe you should actually learn before you're thirty how to spell the word "too."

"Social justice" is a fraud intended to make extremist politics sound mainstream. It's no wonder, then, that you refer to a classical liberal, a libertarian in most respects, as a reactionary. I'm anti-abortion, so I'm reactionary. I believe in Israel's right to defend itself against terrorists, so I'm reactionary. I have a problem with measuring compassion according to how much money narcissist Bono has begged the government to spend, so I'm a reactionary. I have a problem with marriage for the first time in history applying to gays, so I'm a reactionary. This used to be the labeling engaged in by secular liberals; now the Brian McLarens of the world have joined in.

"Social justice" as a term is absurd because, in one sense, it is redundant: all justice involves more than one person and so by definition is social. In another sense, it involves regarding people as members of groups rather than as individuals: it's what Hitler, Stalin, and Mao (not Jesus) advocated. Jesus advocated loving your neighbor as yourself (i.e. two individuals). Jesus said the way we treated the least of these (not "the hungry," not "the immigrants," but a hungry person, a particular immigrant) was the way we treated Him: an individual, not a social agenda.

It's people like you who have dumbed down the church so much with your Emergent, progressive, and praise chorus mentality that it's impossible for any person with a brain to attend without wanting to throw up.

Finally, this blog has an anonymous function; so don't condescend to me about how somehow I'm not supposed to comment anonymously!