
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

someone has a new book...

...coming out in october

There is a church not too far from us that recently added a $25 million addition to their building. Our local newspaper ran a front-page story not too long ago about a study revealing that one in five people in our city lives in poverty.

This is a book about those two numbers.

It's a book about faith and fear, wealth and war, poverty, power, safety, terror,

Bibles, bombs, and homeland insecurity,

It's about empty empires and the truth that everybody's a priest, it's about oppression, occupation, and what happens when Christians support, animate and participate in the very things Jesus came to set people free from.

It's about what it means to be a part of the church of Jesus in a world where some people fly planes into buildings while others pick up groceries in Hummers


Anonymous said...

if i guessed who wrote the book, would i guess right? ;)

Chris Tolles said...

i guesed right!

oo oo oo you have to mail me one when it comes out.

steve said...

buahahahaa.... fantastic, i can't wait. also, check the olson's blog about what happened to the cross if you haven't yet. i was laughing when you mentioned it under the floor drapes last night... here's a link