
Saturday, March 22, 2008

hands: together, open, plowing

Jesus assumption is there is some roll for Him to play in this creative ongoing work of God in the world. some people pray, and they say well, God didn't answer my prayer but maybe, maybe they were the answer to their prayer, don't ask God to feed someone who's hungry if you have plenty of food.

like it says in the book of james, the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. somebody who believes that the God who created the universe is at work here and now and somebody who is open to that, somebody who's aware, who's watching, who's listening, somebody who's looking for their role to play in the ongoing creation of the world, well that is going to be powerful.

prayer isn't just like a formality or some sort of list or some sort of rote ritual that you just have to get through so that you can get on with your day, like it says in the new testament, pray unceasingly. prayer is your whole posture towards life, its way more than just words its the whole way that you see everything going on around you. and so, so prayer is being still, its meditating, its reflecting, its listening, its waking up, and its when you never stop asking the question what is God up to right here, right now, and how can i be a part of it.

i believe God's desire, is that the divine energy that made the world would flow between us and in the process draw us closer together. prayer, is tapping into the same energy that formed the universe, thats why people say that they can feel prayers, its because we can. Praying connects us to the people and things we're praying for. prayer enlarges our perspective, praying gives us a bigger heart, praying makes us feel things. praying changes things, but prayer changes us.

1 comment:

Cara said...

i've talked with daryl, i'll be coming hopefully the weekend after NEK's retreat. i have to make sure all this works with him but i'm shooting for april 12