
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

sufjan and the brooklyn-queens expressway

Back in November 2007, Sufjan Stevens unveiled a multimedia performance inspired by the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway called "The BQE" (which i was on last weekend). By all accounts, it was an over-the-top affair with an orchestra, artsy footage of the highway, and hula hoops. And now, Sufjan is putting out a purchase-able "BQE" package to satisfy bloodthirsty fans still waiting for his official follow-up to Illinois, which-- believe it or not-- came out four years ago this month.

Due out October 20 in the U.S. on Asthmatic Kitty (October 19 in the UK via Rough Trade), "The BQE" set is not a throw away-- it really may have taken him a couple years to put this thing together. The regular edition includes a CD of the show's soundtrack, a DVD of Brooklyn-Queen Expressway footage that accompanied the original performance (not a film of the performance itself), a 40-page booklet with liner notes and photos, and-- wait for it-- a stereoscopic 3D View-Master reel! Finally, a reason to dig that old View-Master out of the attic. (pitchfork)

THE BQE- A Film By Sufjan Stevens from Asthmatic Kitty on Vimeo.

Interlude I—Dream Sequence in Subi Circumnavigation from Asthmatic Kitty on Vimeo.

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