
Saturday, February 14, 2009

i am reminded - again

[click to read]
ps -grammy post is updated


Unknown said...

got it.

Anonymous said...

this takes complete sacrifice because you are letting go of something that is out of your control. that's the biggest thing that i struggle with, being free from the insecurities that come with letting go, that come with allowing someone else to take care of you. cause in this world we have to take care of ourselves but with love, its beyond our control. we cannot control who is to be our "soulmate" or how incredibly hard it is to love a person that we dislike in the first place.

Letting go of that "control" that we all assume we have when it comes to love is tough, it not only involves the heart, but the mind, and the body as well. Yet, I think that God truly encompasses all of these parts together so we can fully sacrifice our need or our desire solely to him. When we finally hand over the reins to him, everything seems to fall into place. The alignment of God's will in this action could not be so incredibly blunt.

When we give these concerns up to him and let them go, they are no longer a part of us. But its the physical act of throwing them away that causes many of us to stumble upon stones.

My mother always told me as a young child to "throw the worries away." sometimes we need a reminder of that physical act to make letting go all the more real.